If you are looking for a delicious way to start your day and want something different than the classic eggs or cereal, Protein Pancakes Mix by PBCo is a great choice to consider.
This protein pancake mix whips up easily and will provide you with wholesome nutrition that you can feel good about first thing in the morning.
When you use Protein Pancakes Mix by PBCo, you’ll receive the following great benefits:
- A massive dose of protein per serving – 22 grams, which is far greater than any comparable breakfast cereal and even higher than whole eggs
- Very few carbs – with less than five grams per serving, these are an absolute winner for low carb dieting
- Completely gluten free, so they won’t cause bloating, gas, or stomach upset
- Completely natural so you can feel good about not putting anything refined into your system
- Fast and easy to make so ideal for those ultra-busy mornings when you really don’t have time to cook
- Relatively low in sodium content per serving, so will be a good option for those who are seeking heart health benefits
- A solid dose of dietary fibre, which will help stabilise blood glucose levels and ensure hunger vanishes after eating this meal
- No artificial flavours or sweeteners, which can bother many people and lead to inflammation
- A moderate level of dietary fats – enough that you will not feel hungry an hour after eating this meal but not so many the calorie count begins to get out of control
When you choose Protein Pancakes Mix by PBCo, you are doing your body a favour by fueling up right at the start of the day. Going without breakfast is setting yourself up for hunger later on in the day and is one of the main reasons why many people start to binge eat.
In every serving of Protein Pancakes Mix by PBCo, you’ll receive:
- Just 159 calories, which is very low calorie and easy to fit into any diet plan.
- 5.4 grams of dietary fat, of which just 0.7 grams are saturated fat
- 2.5 grams of carbohydrates and just 1.2 grams of total sugar content
- 8.5 grams of dietary fibre, which much higher than oatmeal or any other comparable cold cereal
Don’t go without a good morning meal any longer. Get Protein Pancakes Mix by PBCo in your day today and start noticing the difference good nutrition makes.