If you’re looking for a lower carb alternative to potato chips, Temole has your solution. Almond Chips are made from wholesome ingredients including almonds and white beans, giving you a product that you can feel great putting into your body.
With an ingredient list that’s short and sweet, this is not your average heavily processed snack. It’s one that will deliver you sound nutrition time and time again.
When you have Almond Chips by Temole as your snack choice, you’ll:
- Get lasting energy that will carry you through for the hours ahead until your next meal
- Improve your nutritional profile with added healthy fats
- Stabilise blood glucose levels and prevent hunger from coming on
- Increase your protein intake to help provide better balance in your diet plan
- Combat potato chip cravings, making it easier to stick with your diet plan
- Enjoy a range of different flavour options so boredom never becomes an issue
Almond Chips by Temole are a snack you are sure to love and your body will thank you for. With a very nice, balanced nutritional profile, these chips are perfect for those who are on lower carb diet plans and who prefer adding more fat to their menu.
The chips are naturally gluten free so are also safe for those with gluten sensitivities. Because they’re made strictly with almonds and white beans, this also makes them a great vegetarian friendly option as well.
With each serving of Almond Chips by Temole, you’ll receive:
- Approximately 200 calories per serving, which is the perfect snack sized amount for most people
- Almost 8 grams of dietary protein, ensuring that you don’t skimp on protein for your snack (a problem for many people)
- 14+ grams of healthy fats. The fats in this product are primarily monounsaturated fats so are terrific for keeping your heart healthy, your blood pressure where it needs to be, and your mind strong.
- A simple ingredient list consisting of just 4-6 ingredients depending on the flavour
- Less than 10 grams of carbohydrates per serving and fewer than 2 grams of sugar. This is one product that will help you control your blood glucose levels beautifully.
- Individually packaged to help you maintain maximum control over your calorie intake.
Almond Chips by Temole are a great option for anyone who’s looking to take their nutrition further and ensure they are doing right by their body.