On the long quest to enter the protein bar world, Macro Mike has created the most delicious plant-based protein bar, The Game Changer Protein Bar! Packed full of all-natural ingredients, you will send your tastebuds to a whole new delightful pleasure.
Macro Mike has created the real game-changer in a protein bar. With a blend of rice malt, date paste and coconut oil, you will not be short in mouthwatering flavours. When you hit that afternoon slump, and you need a snack, get your hand on The Game Changer Protein Bar. You will satisfy al your cravings with this bar!
Need a snack in between meals to stay full and avoid snacking on unhealthy foods? The Game Changer Protein Bar is the answer! This protein bar is loaded with protein, fats (only the good ones) and carbohydrates (that’s actually good for your health).
When you have The Game Changer Protein Bar by Macro Mike, you’ll:
- Have a complete plant-based protein bar free of nasties and any artificial colour or flavours.
- Consume 10g of protein from our protein blend of peanut, pea and rice protein.
- Nourish your belly with a delicious and nutritious snack.
- Ingest only 164 calories so you can stay on track of your fitness and health goals.
- Be amazed that you will be able to read and pronounce each ingredient in this bar. Yes, there’s no sugars, alcohols, artificial fibres or any other compounds that you can’t pronounce.
When you hit the afternoon slump, or you are just craving a snack in between meals reach out to The Game Changer Protein Bar by Macro Mike. You will taste the yummiest plant-based all-natural protein bar in the whole galactic world.
So are you ready to change the game in the protein snack world? Take the plunge today and try out the new Macro Mike’s protein bar The Game Changer Protein Bar!
Each bar of The Game Changer Protein Bar by Macro Mike has:
- 164 calories of pure good stuff
- 10g of protein
- 5.3g of fat and 3.6g is saturated fat
- 18.3g of carbohydrates and 12.6g is sugar
- 2.1g of fibre
This product should not replace a balanced diet.