Struggling to meet your protein needs while on your diet plan? Put those worries behind you! 100% Organic Hemp Protein by Designer Physique is a protein that you can count on.
If you don’t eat meat, can’t have lactose, or are simply just looking for a solution that is more natural, this protein powder fits the bill perfectly. It’s made with all natural ingredients and is something that you can feel great about putting in your body.
With each scoop of 100% Organic Hemp Protein Powder you take in, you’ll receive:
- 100% pure vegan protein powder
- A plant based powder that provides superior nutrition for your body
- Zero artificial flavors or additives
- A powerful dose of dietary fibre, which helps keep you feeling fuller longer, while also helping to stabilise blood glucose levels and lower cholesterol
- The full spectrum of essential amino acids to help ensure that you can quickly rebuild and repair lean muscle mass tissues
- A high dose of glutamine, which helps keep your immune system strong
- A good serving of zinc, which is a mineral that most people are insufficient in when using a vegetarian diet plan.
- Zero sodium – this product will not cause any bloating or water retention
- An excellent dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which will help encourage a better body composition while improving your health
- Low calorie content, perfect for those who are watching their body weight.
- No soy inclusion – which can quickly sabotage testosterone levels in male trainees
Whether you’re using protein powder after the gym or just throughout the day to help get your protein needs met, you simply can’t go wrong with 100% Organic Hemp Protein by Designer Physique.
This protein powder contains:
- 120 calories per serving – the perfect amount for a fat loss diet plan
- 15 grams of high quality protein – more than many other vegan protein powders out there
- 0.62 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. Since you aren’t eating salmon, this can be an excellent source of these critical fatty acids for you.
- 5.4 grams of dietary fibre, of which 5.1 are insoluble
- 8.6 mg of iron, which will help keep your energy levels high and stable
- 378 mg of magnesium to help regulate muscle contractions while you’re in the gym
- Nearly 7 grams of BCAA’s for superior muscle recovery.
If you’re serious about your workouts, get serious about taking 100% Organic Hemp Protein by Designer Physique.